
Monday 29 July 2013

Ramble at Sanaigmore, 29th July 2013

All nine of us watched the grey cloud approach and I shook in my odd boots as it was the first time ever on a ramble that I hadn't brought a jacket. With everyone else prepared, however, we ventured forth into the heavy rain. Our ramble was curtailed but Ben spotted a Ringed Plover's nest just before we turned back and we were surprised that we hadn't been mobbed as a result. We quickly turned back round to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate at Outback Art and discuss our sightings in the warmth. Thanks to everyone for turning up and it was good to see Amory and Islay and their extended family back; they'd joined us for a ramble last year and decided to return for more rambling - even if it was in the rain!

Sand Martin, Swallow, Starling, Wren, Meadow Pipit, Redshank, Black Guillemot, Ringed Plover, Twite

Common Carder Bee, White-tailed Bumble Bee, Small Tortoiseshell

Bird's-foot Trefoil, Meadow Buttercup, Silverweed, Monkey Flower, Water Forget-me-not, White Clover, Red Clover, Lady's Bedstraw, Daisy, Mouse-ear Chickweed, Common Hawkbit, Eyebright, Spear Thistle, Creeping Thistle, Lesser Burdock, Common Nettle, Common Ragwort, Field Gentian, Common Centaury, Self-heal, Wild Thyme, Pineapple Mayweed, Red Bartsia, Marsh Willowherb, Yorkshire Fog, Harebell, Yarrow, Thrift, Bog Pimpernel, Black Knapweed

Ringed Plover nest

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