
Sunday 28 July 2013

Overnight stay at Proaig

Proaig 'bothy'
Seven of us set off on Friday afternoon for the hike to the 'bothy' at Proaig. I have never stayed there before although I have visited several times before. Each of us carried our own supplies, including our two youngest members, Isi and Becca, both only 7 years of age. The clegs were worse than the midges by far and we were relieved to reach our destination after seeing an adder and lots of butterflies en route - Red Admiral, Dark Green Fritillary, Green-veined White, Ringlet, Meadow Brown and Common Blue - all in abundance. The birds were not so much in evidence, but we still saw Lesser Black-backed Gull, Starling, Rock Pipit, Reed Bunting, Twite, Redpoll, Shag, Red-breasted Merganser, Mute Swan, Pied Wagtail and Hen Harrier. We had a lovely stay, frying up lots of food and toasting marshmallows on the fire. Definitely to be recommended.

Becca with a Common Frog

Hoverfly Volucella bombylans

Isi and Becca at the start of the walk

Niall - fully laden!

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