
Monday 7 September 2015

The Flowers' Final Fling

A passing shower before we set off but it stayed dry and sunny for our rAmble through the flowers at Killinallan.  This visit was a carpet of blue and yellow with Harebells and particularly Devil's Bit Scabious in the prime of their seasonal flowering.  Autumn Hawkbit heads were bobbing and the white heads of Grass of Parnassus in the wet flushes at the top of the shoreline floated to and fro in the light breeze in profusion.
Devil's Bit Scabious

Frog Orchid
Despite many species fading off the flowering scene, many still provided examples of their blooms with late flowering stems.  Most of the orchids were completely finished but a few Frog Orchid spikes eluded to flowering, although mostly the bracts remained.

Mountain Everlasting

Grey Seals bobbed in the receding waters, although none emerged onto the sand bank or decided to sing for us.  Our only butterfly of the day was a Meadow Brown.

What we saw:
Meadow Brown;

Grey Seal

Autumn Hawkbit; Grass of Parnassus; Bird's Foot Trefoil; Lady's Bedstraw; Fairy Flax; Red Clover; Black Bog Rush; Frog Orchid; Twyblade (leaves); Thyme; Devil's Bit Scabious; Harebell; Autumn Gentian; Eyebright; Self Heal; Knapweed; Milkwort; Tormentil; Silverweed; Ragged Robin; Meadow Rue (leaves); Meadow Sweet; Bog Myrtle; Yarrow, Tufted Vetch; Angelica; Mountain Everlasting; Water Mint

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