
Monday 10 August 2015

Choughed with yesterday's rAmble!

Lots to be seen on yesterday's rAmble at Ardnave point, including a flock of around 30 Chough! They are so fantastic to watch, with their buoyant flight and their "chow!" calls. Wonderful.

Also seen were an abundance of wildflowers, including Grass-of-Parnassus, Common Storksbill and Harebells - see full list at the end of this blog.

Why it's called Storksbill

Harebell, or Scottish Bluebell
 A few butterflies around too, including a Grayling and a Meadow Brown, neither of which I managed to get a photo of! But a bee and a cinnabar moth caterpillar were more obliging, as was a Peacock caterpillar....

A beeeee
Cinnabar moth caterpillar

Peacock caterpillar
Great views out to Nave Island too, with Gannets, Arctic Terns and grey seals.

Yet another great walk on a lovely Sunday afternoon. Next week, the Ard! Details to follow.

Plants: ragged robin, red bartsia, red clover, white clover, smooth hawksbeard, selfheal, common mouse ear, chickweed, meadowsweet, purple loosestrife, silverweed, marsh ragwort, forget-me-not, marsh willowherb, eyebright, sneezewort, yarrow, marsh pennywort, water cress, bog myrtle, yellow flag iris, bog asphodel, daisy, bulbous buttercup, ladies bedstraw, nettle, common storksbill, spearthistle, dove's foot cranesbill, lesser meadow rue, harebell, bog pimpernel, butterwort, mint, wild thyme, glaucous sedge, ribwort plantain, birdsfoot trefoil, rough hawkbit, germander speedwell.

Birds: Hooded crow, starlings, buzzard, sandmartin, twite, chough, gannets, juvenile gannets, swans with 4 cygnets, herring gull with juveniles, oystercatchers, pied wagtail, linnet, jackdaw, arctic terns, meadow pipit, skylark, wheatear, swallow, shag.

Insects: unidentified bee, cinnabar moth caterpillar, peacock butterfly caterpillar, grayling butterfly, meadow brown butterfly, common blue butterflies, dor beetle.

Mammals: rabbit, brown hare, grey seals.

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