
Friday 17 July 2015

Kilnaughton - family activity: Miniature shells, flowers and beasties

A group of over 25 keen explorers came for a mix of activities.  We set off to find various scavenged articles from the beach: hard and soft, lived in, colourful, made a sound, smelled of the sea.  Then the challenge was who could find the smallest/tiniest shell.

I think this was the winner!

We then we set off to explore the dunes for the colourful flowers, making a pallet of the colours.

We searched amongst the grasses and flowers armed with magnifiers, bug pots and nets to see what insect beasties we could find.  Common blue and Ringlet butterflies were caught and six Spot Burnett Moths.  Flies were caught in nets and snails in the grass and red Soldier Beetles visiting the flowers.

Despite the dulling weather the rain did well to hold off whilst we all enjoyed our mini wildlife adventure.


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