
Friday 28 November 2014

30 years of the Islay Natural History Trust

30 Years is a long time and one to celebrate so this is what we are doing Thursday 4th December at the Natural History Centre in Port Charlotte.  We have been looking through old photos of the centre over the years and wildlife and will have an evening of photos and share memories whilst enjoying a 'pot luck supper'.  A time to socialise with all those who have been involved and joined in our activities and visited us over the years.  If anyone has photos they wish to share then please bring them along or send to us via email.  We are particularly short of pictures from the early years.

There will also be a raffle and for those who would like to bid there will be a silent auction of skills and services provided by many of our committee and supporters great Christmas presents perhaps for those people who have everything whilst supporting the Trust.
So far we have available:

Hands-on Islay wildlife activity session

Personally guided excursion on Islay's geology

Personally guided fungal foray

Islay Botanicals Gin related floral/botanical excursion

Two day course in watercolour or acrylic painting techniques

Half day odd jobs provision

Fiddle lesson with Niall Oliver

We are happy to receive bids prior to the event, emailed or posted but must arrive by mid-day on Thursday 4th.

Hope to see many of you there. 

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