
Friday 5 September 2014

A wee taster for the walk to the Lily Loch on Sunday.

I had a quick wander down the path on Thursday to see what might be waiting for us on the INHT's rAmble this Sunday 7th September. 

So to spark your appetite for the walk, the heathers are in bloom full spectacle and lovely, other late summer flowers too, in the wood tit flocks and lots of calling goldcrests. 

At the loch the lilies are lovely with moorhens paddling amongst them.  To top it a peregrine flew from the trees, obviously just fed with a bulging crop. 

I went in hope of fungi, and a few specimens were available, this rain today may just wet the ground enough to encourage a few more for Sunday.

Come along for a pleasant wander and social appreciation of the natural history.  We will meet at 2pm in the big layby between Caoila road end and the top of Port Askaig hill.

1 comment:

  1. ماكينات حقن بلاستيك تعتبر الماكينات الاهم لعملية التشكيل والتصميم بالمواد البلاستيكية حيث يصب البلاستيك في قالب علي الشكل المطلوب
