
Sunday 20 July 2014

Sanaigmore rAmble - 13th July 2014

Last Sunday's ramble was a bright and sunny afair with a sociable mix of members and visitors. We did not roam far but enjoyed a host of flowers and butterflies. There was a broad spectrum of knowledge amongst the group, with botany, birds, invertebrates, inc. butterflies (which were enjoying the heat of the sun), fungi and geology.
Flowers: Monkey Flower; Bird's Foot Trefoil; Eyebright; Self Heal; Common Centaury; Autumn Gentian; Frog Orchid; Field Thistle; Fairy Flax; Hawkbit; Devils Bit Scabious; Bog Pimpernel; Lady's Bedstraw; Lesser Meadow Rue; Thrift. Invertebrates: Soldier Beetle; Dung Beetle larvae; Common Blue butterfly; Meadow Brown; Ringlet; Tortoiseshell; Dark Green Fritillary. Birds: Gannet; Chough; Oystercatcher; Arctic Tern; Rock Pipit; Ringed Plover. Geology: Flint; Gneiss. Looking forward to today's geology walk at Kilchiaran at 2pm. Fiona MacGillivray (Chair) This is the first time I have managed to get access to blog to post (via my old computer, new one doesn't like it) so apologies to those who like hearing about the rambles. This has taken an age to post so hope it works!

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