
Friday 30 May 2014

The Search for the Spring Squill

With a bunch of helpers and sunshine and enthusiasm and a spring in our step, I thought we were on a winning streak when we set out early this morning on my annual search for the diminutive Spring Squill. I had everyone almost on their hands and knees at various points, dangling over cliffs, poised with hand lenses and all but hanging on the end of a rope into a gully - and almost all totally in vain. The paltry specimen we saw was barely worth the effort (I say it in a whisper!) Another nearby specimen had been grazed and therein lay the answer for our futile search!

Still, no-one but I was bothered! We saw Fulmars glide within inches of us, Razorbills, Guillemots, Black Guillemots, Gannets and a host of flora and had the most glorious sunshiney day on one of Islay's most colourful corners. I could wax lyrical about this walk, but will restrict myself. The Sea Pinks adorning the rocks were resplendent, as were the smiley-faced Marsh Marigolds and the cerise Early Marsh Orchids. Everything was peaceful and even the Oystercatchers did not seem to mind our presence too much. There, I did not overly wax lyrical!


Black Guillemot

Common Frog

Daisies Galore!

Early Marsh Orchid

Garden Tiger Moth caterpillar - rescued from the tide!

Green-veined White

Watching the Fulmars

Marsh Cinquefoil

Gannet, Fulmar, Rock Pipit, Linnet, Skylark, Black Guillemot, Guillemot, Razorbill, Rock Dove, Common Gull, Herring Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Meadow Pipit, Arctic Tern, Lapwing, Oystercatcher, Ringed Plover (10), Redshank, Corncrake, Shelduck (and 8 young), Eider, Wheatear, Rock Dove, Sand Martin, Pied Wagtail, Raven, Hooded Crow, Chough, Starling

Early Marsh Orchid, Marsh Cinquefoil, Marsh Marigold, Bogbean, Thrift, Daisy, Meadow Buttercup, Heath-spotted Orchid, White Clover, Eyebright, Wild Thyme, Water Mint, Common Scurvy Grass, Lousewort, Milkwort, Spring Squill, Bluebells, Roseroot, Flag Iris, Wild Pansy, Dog Violet, Cuckoo Flower, Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Tormentil, Bog Cotton, Dove’s-foot Crane’s-bill, Sea Campion, Marsh Pennywort, Silverweed,  Speedwell sp, Forget-me-not sp, Marsh Thistle, Mouse-ear Chickweed, English Stonecrop

Common Frog, Grey Seal, Hare, Rabbit

Green-veined White, Green Tiger Beetle, Garden Tiger Moth caterpillar

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