
Tuesday 24 September 2013

Ramble at Kilchiaran 23rd September 2013

I'm pretty sure that yesterday's ramble consisted of the most widespread bunch of ramblers we've ever had: one couple from Switzerland, one from Australia and two from Yorkshire! We started the ramble in glorious sunshine and finished just as the mist which prevented our service plane from landing descended! The spring tides meant the tide was farther out than I've seen it here before but, a month since our last ramble, the flora was much depleted. A Stonechat family greeted us and later bade us farewell and a small flock of Choughs offered a conversation point as Claud and Brigitte are familiar with the Alpine Chough which lives at much higher altitudes on the continent. A wonderful last ramble. Sadly I forgot to put my card in my camera so don't have any photos! Thank you to all for coming.

Stonechat, Chough, Raven, Hooded Crow, Starling, Buzzard, Oystercatcher, Curlew, Common Gull, Herring Gull, Twite, Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail, Gannet, Rock Dove, Cormorant

Small Copper, Peacock, Crab Spider sp, Garden Spider, Drinker Moth caterpillar, Millipede

Self-heal, Common Nettle, Creeping Thistle, Thrift, Yarrow, Dove's-foot Cranesbill, Meadow Buttercup, Water Mint, Devil's-bit Scabious, Ragged Robin, Hawkbit, Red Clover

Xanthoria parietina, Anaptychia runsinata, Ramalina siliquosa, Ochrolechia parella, Yellow wax cap and various other unknown fungi spp

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