
Wednesday 28 August 2013

Photos from Nicolien Brandenburg

Some weeks ago a very enthusiastic young lady came to the Centre with lots of flower questions. We spent a long time in the library studying her photos and the various flora guides. I asked her to send me some photos and include a portion of her email (unedited) below as it is such a delightful read. She went on an expedition up Beinn Bheigier with her family, which she describes so well:

All of the flowers in these photo's were found on Kindra,  made during our trip 'Walk on the Wild Side' to Solder's Rock.
Beinn Bheigier was exiting, as halfway up we had to leave behind Sifra, her body could not cope. When we did reach the top we were stuck in a rainstorm! We managed to get to the first ridge, but didn't find the second one. We were pressed for time. On our walk down we lost the track, and ended up in the heatherbushes.
Eventually we found Sifra and the track, and proudly carried on downhill to our parked car. YES!!! WE MADE IT!!!
Thankyou very much for the splendid day at the museum and hopefully you will make use of our pictures!


Garden Tiger Moth

Heath Speedwell

Heath-spotted Orchid

Purple Loosestrife

Red Bartsia

Wild Thyme

Scots Lovage - Ligusticum scoticum

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