
Friday 16 August 2013

More Record Breakers at the Centre

Some of our quizzes can be quite challenging at the Centre but this did not deter Robyn, Tabby and Islay from giving many of them their best shot. Avid followers of our blog, Robyn (16) became our youngest person to correctly answer the very difficult butterfly quiz; Tabby (7) became our youngest person to complete the brainy numbers quiz and Islay (9) became the youngest person to work out the weights quiz. Well done to all of them - and not forgetting Cath who worked diligently at most of the quizzes in the age 10 - 110  pack, determined to become our oldest Wildlife Explorer of the Year (she's somewhere in the middle of that age bracket!) See you on the ramble on Monday!

Tabby with her completed numbers quiz

Islay weighing sand for the weights quiz

Robyn with her butterfly quiz

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