
Tuesday 16 July 2013

Ramble at Killinallan, 15th July 2013

Nine adults, three children and one baby (Islay) set off on what turned out to be a breezy ramble yesterday at Killinallan. The Grey Seal colony were sleeping at first, but treated us later to their mournful singing. The dunes were awash with colour. "The only colour of the rainbow we can't see is orange!" one of our younger ramblers noted, at which point Malcolm willed (unsuccessfully) a Small Copper to fly by. Such enthusiasm enriches our nature rambles no end and, from the youngest to the oldest, each brought questions and enthusiasm to make this another very enjoyable ramble at what is one of the island's best botanical locations at probably its peak time of year.

Herring Gull, Oystercatcher, Eider, Meadow Pipit, Linnet, Wheatear, Redshank

FLORADaisy, Meadow Buttercup, Grass of Parnassus, Black Bog Rush, Self-heal, Common Milkwort, Bog Myrtle, Tormentil, Bird's-foot Trefoil, Cat's-ear, Mouse-ear Chickweed, Eyebright, Spear Thistle, Marsh Thistle, Lady's Bedstraw, White Clover, Red Clover, Bracken, Wild Thyme, Marsh Pennywort, Silverweed, Lesser Meadow Rue, Pyramidal Orchid, Northern Marsh Orchid, Frog Orchid, Field Gentian, Forget-me-not sp., Cuckoo Flower, Marsh Marigold (leaves and seed heads), Ragged Robin, Iris, Meadowsweet, Yorkshire Fog, Soft Rush, Sweet Vernal Grass, Sea Spurrey, Thrift (only just), Harebell, Tufted Vetch, Sea Milkwort, Fairy Flax, Water Mint,  Marram Grass, Goat Willow, Marsh Bedstraw, Yarrow, Common Scurvy Grass, Common Knapweed, Devil's-bit Scabious, Bog Pimpernel, Corn Spurrey, Field Speedwell, Burnet Rose, Heath Spotted Orchid, Common Spotted Orchid, Adder's Tongue Fern, Sea Plantain, Sea Arrowgrass, Water Horsetail, Marsh Lousewort, Common Valerian

Common Frog, Six-spot Burnet Moth, Micro moth sp, Ringlet, Grey Seal, Shore Crab, grasshopper sp

Ramblers at Killinallan

Frog Orchid (Coeloglossum viride)

Pyramidal Orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis)

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