
Monday 22 July 2013

Nature ramble at Kilchiaran, 22nd July 2013

There were just two takers for today's ramble - another sunny one as well and full of butterfly life - perhaps the most ever species seen on any of our rambles. Despite 'Nettle City' we found very few caterpillars - why, I wonder, when this is the best bunch of nettles I can recall seeing on Islay? The highlight for today's couple though was the beautiful male Linnet which posed for quite a while. It was our Leicestershire's couple first ever Linnet and they were delighted.

Common Gull, Fulmar, Black Guillemot, Hooded Crow, Raven, Starling, Rock Pipit, Meadow Pipit, Linnet, Sand Martin, Common Sandpiper, Buzzard, Ringed Plover, Pied Wagtail, Oystercatcher, Rock Dove

Bog Pimpernel, Water Mint, Marsh Bedstraw, Marsh Willowherb, Marsh Marigold (leaves), Flag Iris, Eyebright, Germander Speedwell, Water Forget-me-not, Mouse-ear Chickweed, Meadow Vetchling, Kidney Vetch, Wild Thyme, Thrift, Bracken, Common Nettle, Spear Thistle, Creeping Thistle, Lesser Spearwort, Red Bartsia, Harebell, Ragged Robin, Red Campion, White Clover, Red Clover, Lady's Bedstraw, Burdock, Hawkbit, Selfheal, Marsh Thistle, Yorkshire Fog, Tormentil, Daisy

Harvestman sp, micro moth sp, Red Admiral, Small Heath, Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Common Blue, Green-veined White, Small Tortoiseshell, Dark Green Fritillary
Harebells - my favourite flower

Harvestman sp - possibly Phalangium opilio male.

Nettle City - hunting for caterpillars

Mating Meadow Browns

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