
Monday 24 June 2013

Ramble at Kilchiaran, 24th June 2013

Well, the highlight of today's ramble has to be the otter, spotted by Malcolm and seen very well by everyone present, the first ever on a ramble! The sun came out more and more and we stayed out longer and longer - all 12 of us! Another great ramble - thanks everyone!

Watching the Otter at Kilchiaran Bay

Herring Gull, Common Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Hooded Crow, Buzzard, Oystercatcher, Rock Pipit, Skylark, Pied Wagtail, Sand Martin, Common Sandpiper, Eider Duck (with 3 ducklings), Fulmar, Ringed Plover, Wheatear, Meadow Pipit

Field Forget-me-not, Germander Speedwell, Marsh Marigold, Heath Bedstraw, Water-cress, Water Mint, Ragged Robin, Early Marsh Orchid, Marsh Thistle, Creeping Thistle, Common Nettle, Spear Thistle, Meadow Buttercup, Daisy, Cat's-ear, Kidney Vetch, Bird's-foot Trefoil, Dove's-foot Cranesbill, Wild Thyme, Foxglove, Star Sedge, Black Sedge, Common Spike-rush, Yorkshire Fog, Crested Dog's Tail, Lesser Spearwort, White Clover, Bracken, Greater Burdock, Sea Plantain, Ribwort Plantain, Broad-leaved Dock, Thrift, Tormentil, Cuckoo Flower, Yellow Flag, Common Milkwort, Marsh Pennywort, Meadowsweet, Common  Sorrel, Chickweed, Common Mouse-ear, Meadow Vetchling, Lesser Trefoil, Tufted Forget-me-not, Water Avens, Sea Arrowgrass, Marram Grass, Soft Rush, Field Speedwell, Hemlock Water-dropwort

Otter, Rabbit

Click Beetle, Dung Flies, Small Tortoiseshell, Small Heath, Green-veined White

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