
Sunday 21 April 2013

Beinn a' Chaolais with Walk Islay

We couldn't have asked for better weather. I was so excited about the prospect of finally getting up my second Pap - and this time it was cloud, precipitation and wind free - the exact opposite of my last experience. Yippee!! What a great day (except for my vertigo going up the scree). We saw Mountain Hare still in its white plumage, Short-eared Owl, Dung Beetle and Raven, and of course fantastic views. Thanks to Donald Ewen Darroch for taking us up there!

Mountain Hare (poor photo)

View north-east towards Beinn an Oir and Beinn Shiantaidh from summit of Beinn a' Chaolais

View south-east from summit of Beinn a' Chaolais

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