
Wednesday 12 September 2012

Ramble down Glen Astle yesterday

Yesterday my parents and I sauntered down Glen Astle in true naturalist mode, even slower than usual. Our main purpose was to find Marsh Fritillary webs as this is the time of year to look for them around Devil's-bit Scabious plants. There is plenty of Devil's-bit Scabious in Glen Astle and we managed to find two webs. The caterpillars were just emerging from their safe haven in order to soak up some of the welcome sunshine. Apart from the webs, it was a very successful ramble for anything other than birds. Here are some of our highlights. Once identification has been confirmed for our other sightings, I will post them to the blog. Becky
Devil's-bit Scabious - the food-plant of the Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary caterpillars and web
Small Copper
Trailing St. John's Wort (Hypericum humifusum)

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, Becky. We'll check the ones in our garden and around Singing Sands this afternoon. Will let you know if we find any.
    We had two white wagtails on our patio last week - and a Pied at the same time so good to note the differences.
