
Sunday 19 August 2012

Walk to Rubh' a' Mhail

Yesterday six of us set off for the long, boggy walk to Rubh' a' Mhail lighthouse looking for adders, Basking Sharks and Otters. We saw Lizards, Red-breasted Carrion Beetles and Small Coppers instead but never mind. We nearly didn't set off in the first place because, despite the forecast, it started off so drizzly and overcast that we didn't see much point in going. Within half an hour, however, the cloud had lifted and the sun blazed down on us for the rest of the day. Falling asleep in the back of the car on the way home I opened my eyes just long enough to see the Osprey (at last!) fishing on Loch Indaal. This was very exciting but we couldn't stop to take a photo because it's the bit of road where's there's nowhere to pull over. What a fantastic day!

BIRDS: Yellowhammer, Kestrel, Hen Harrier, Great Black-backed Gull, Stonechat, Whinchat, Meadow Pipit, Oystercatcher, Ringed Plover, Curlew, Grey Heron, Willow Warbler, Shag, Gannet, Wren, Manx Shearwater, (Osprey)

FLORA: Heather, Bell Heather, Bog Myrtle, Eyebright, Bog Asphodel, Milkwort, Round-leaved Sundew, Long-leaved Sundew, Cottongrass and probably loads more

INSECTS AND INVERTEBRAE: Red-breasted Carrion Beetle, Peacock Butterfly, Small Copper, Grayling Butterfly, Meadow Brown, Keeled Skimmer, Common Darter, Common Hawker, Wolf Spider, Small Heath

REPTILES, AMPHIBIANS AND MAMMALS: Common Lizard, Common Frog, Red Deer, Grey Seal

LICHEN: Fuscidea cyathoides, Usnea sp

SEA CREATURES: Butterfish, Beadlet Anemone, Butterfish, Limpets, Acorn Barnacle

Common Darters mating


Grey Heron

Red Deer

Red-breasted Carrion Beetle

Small Copper

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