
Wednesday 8 August 2012

Post script on Killinallan Ramble

The Falconer Family have inspired us through their enthusiasm and encouragement during their Islay holiday. On the Killinallan Nature ramble last Friday,  Amory (8) and Islay (7) were delighted to act as INHT's very own temporary photographer and journalist. Here are some examples of their work. Thanks guys! Lorna

"Thank you for a lovely write up on your blog. We really enjoyed the nature ramble, as I think you could tell!"
Ben and Liz Falconer

All the wildlife I saw on Islay.

On Islay I saw Grey seals and common seals which were very fat and lazy!
I also caught jellyfish and crabs which were a mixture of velvet crabs and shore crabs. In a field I saw brown rabbits hopping to their holes because Amory (my brother) might of distracted them.
The next day we saw Buzzards. Buzzards are big birds with a brown body, a yellow and black beak, yellow legs and a black line around its eye. I did see lots of Swallows, thay swooped around trying to look for food. On the last day of the holiday I saw a Flatfish, a frog, a weevil and other beautiful things.

By Islay, aged 7

Islay's Oyster shell.

Killinallan beach

Certain  participants got a bit distracted en route (the clue as to whom is in the sleeve!). Here is a shore crab we picked up  on one such diversion. There were tiny baby crabs scuttling around everywhere to be seen!

Devil's bit scabious - food plant of the rare Marsh fritillary

All photos by Amory Falconer.

1 comment:

  1. Great entry...though I don't know how many people would recognise your sleeve, Lorna.
