
Sunday 12 August 2012

Kilchoman Gala

The well-attended Kilchoman Gala took place at Port Mor yesterday afternoon and, like the Agricultural Show on Thursday, wellies were not needed for the first time in some years as the weather was warm and dry and the ground was firm underfoot. And a cooling breeze kept the midges away. Becky and Laura were kept busy face-painting and the photograph shows a mum wondering which animals her two daughters have chosen to have painted on them and what they are going to end up looking like. Delightful moments come in face-painting when a mirror is held up and the children can see the result for themselves!
The "Find the Otter" board was in use again and the lucky winner of a bottle of Laddie 10 (a gratefully acknowledged donation from Bruichladdich Distillery) was Les Wilson.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear about the favourable weather you've had for the two shows!
