
Tuesday 3 July 2012

Ramble around Ardnave - Monday 2nd July

I was joined by six ramblers for today's excursion starting at the 'car park' next to the Loch at Ardnave.  We did what I call the short circuit, setting off through the dunes and then turning right down to the beach and right along the shore to Tayvullin before following the burn back up to the big open silage shed and along the track by the Loch to the cars (or bike in my case!).   
Devilsbit scabious


Flowers included Lady's Bedstraw, Daisy, White Clover, Dove's foot cranesbill, Eyebright, stinging nettle, dandelion, Silverweed, Meadow buttercup, birds foot trefoil, Shepherd's purse, Watercress, Flag Iris, Lesser spearwort, Lady's smock, sea pinks, Ragged Robin, Cotton grass, marsh thistle, Self Heal, Germander speedwell, Wild Thyme, Milkwort, Tormentil, Pineapple maywed, Northern marsh orchid, Devilsbit scabious, Brooklime, Bogbean, Bog pimpernel

Birds were: Starling, Rock Dove, Hooded Crow, Raven, Chough, Jackdaw, Common Gull, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Herring Gull, Eider, Rock Pipit, Meadow Pipit, Ringed plover, Lapwing, Linnet, Skylark, Oystercatcher, Wheatear, Pied wagtail, Redshank, Sand Martin, Mute Swan
Beetle sp.
Also seen: Rabbits, Brown Hare, Grey seal, Yellow dung fly, Beetle sp,  bluebottles, Small tortoiseshell and Field mushroom.

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