
Monday 11 June 2012

Bolsa Trek

Yesterday, Lorna, Mark and I had a fantastic trek to Bolsa from Bunnahabhain, via one of the glens. It wasn't fantastic photography weather for landscapes but we saw soooooooo much wildlife - a lot of insect copulation too! I've still to identify a few spiders and insects, and I'll post those photos in due course, along with our complete list for the day (I think we beat the jubilee list!)  Meanwhile, here's a few favourites of the day.

Dung Beetle
(Photo: Mark Nelson)

Common Frog
 (Photo: MN)

Herd of Red Deer
(Photo: MN)

Marsh Thistle
 (Photo: MN)

Chimney Sweep Moth
(Photo: MN)

(Photo: Lorna Williamson)

Water Avens
(Photo: LW)

Four-spotted Chaser
(Photo: LW)

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