
Tuesday 6 March 2012

The Sgurr - a day stolen from spring

On yet another one of spring's rare gifts to Islay residents and tourists, Fiona MacGillivray and I set off on a walk through blanket bog east of Glenegedale and up the Sgurr. It was mainly a reccy for Fiona's forthcoming survey work for Islay Energy Trust. Wow! What a day! The Golden Plover are returning to their breeding grounds and the lichen are, well, doing what they do all year round to be honest, but we enjoyed this day of days - slipping and sliding (and sometimes falling!) our way across bog and moor. The clouds were just fantastic - cumulus and cirrus for those who thought my cloud interest was just a passing phase! Come on spring, give us more days like this!

Fiona on the Sgurr

Various Cladonia spp

Fir Club Moss - Huperzia selago

Flock of Golden Plover

Hen Harrier pellet (probably)

The Sgurr

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