
Wednesday 24 August 2011

Moorland Magic at Kintra

Fiona sent in this piece about yesterday's magic moorland session:

Moorland magic this Tuesday was attended by 10 very enthusiastic participants on a small area of moorland just 100m from the RSPB Upper Killeyan car park on the Mull of Oa. We investigated the hidden range of colour to be found if you get down low and really look, moorland is definitely not dull and boring. The Ling Heather is just beginning to bloom, but despite many flowering plants having set seed there was still a rich range of greens, yellows, pinks and autumnal browns but a distinct lack of blues.
A search for animal life revealed a great variety of invertebrates, spiders, leafhoppers, centipedes, beetles and some impressive grasshoppers including both common green and meadow grasshoppers. Unfortunately the weather was a bit cool and densely overcast so no butterflies although a moth was captured. We also found round-leaved sundews an insectivorous plant.
I am looking forward to next week, (unfortunately), the last activity of the summer when it will be beachcombing on Uiskentuie Strand.

Bug Box with Leaf hopper, Jumping Spider and Meadow Grasshopper

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