
Tuesday 19 April 2011

Kintour to Kynagarry - Walk Islay

This was the most fantastic walk! My eyes were open all the time for the tiny Green Hairstreak Butterfly which emerges at this time of year and we were fortunate to see a few, blowing past like leaves. They really are such delightful creatures and possibly my favourite butterfly. Keep looking for them throughout April on moorland. I've read that they're quite obliging creatures, crawling willingly onto your finger to drink the sweat therefrom! I don't believe it though as they always seem quite flighty to me! You could always give it a try to prove me wrong though.

Also saw this metallic green beetle which I think is a Rosemary Beetle, but am not sure, not having many good reference books for insects.



  1. Nice one Becky. The beetle is, I would suggest, the ground beetle Carabus nitens. Very beautiful...

  2. Much more exciting than a Rosemary beetle!!

  3. Subject to some further checking, this appears to be the first record for Islay. Indeed, it seems to be scarce over much of western Scotland.

  4. I've now checked with the ground beetle recorder for the UK and he confirms that this is not only the first for Islay, but the first for this vice-county, which includes Jura and Colonsay. He says it is nowhere common, often surprisingly difficult to find, and many records come from walkers who just happen to spot it, as did Becky while on a walk!
