
Monday 13 December 2010

Shorefield - the first two beasts arrive

 James brought the Highlanders up to the shed at Octomore this morning.  The two bullocks for the Shorefield Project were separated, and dosed with a preparation to protect them from parasitic worms and liver fluke.  They probably didn't need it, but its a good preventative measure apparently.  The preparation is spread along the back of the animal, a bit like applying 'Spot-On' as an anti-flea and tick remedy for a dog, only on an industrial-sized animal.

They were they loaded into the wee 'float' and taken down to the Shorefield, which is about a mile from the shed.  They were very docile, and happily wandered off to explore their new home.  They were cheerfully grazing by the time I had jumped on the bike to head for Bowmore.
 We will try and call them to come to cake in the next couple of days.


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