
Thursday 30 September 2010

New moth

Because of the poor weather, my moth trapping has been at a standstill through most of September, but last night was, at last, fine and dry, so out went the trap to garner a catch of just eight moths. However, among the eight was one I hadn't caught before, the Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae. It appears to be a new species for the island, though some further checking is needed on that point and I'll update this in a day or two. It is not an unexpected species to catch here, because its range extends through much of Scotland, but as it only flies late in the year, September to November, this may explain why no-one has caught it before, as most visiting moth-trappers come here in the summer.


Later. Yes, it has been confirmed as a Green-brindled Crescent and therefore a new species for Islay. Thanks to Danny Arnold for confirming this.

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