
Tuesday 7 September 2010

My Favourite Islay/Jura Wildlife Moment

Green Bug Productions summer competition is nearing its end.  There has been less feedback from the competition than I had envisaged, but the entries so far received have captured the wonder I had hoped to inspire, particularly from children from Edinburgh!  

Here is one I felt has captured the excitement and wonder that wildlife experiences can inspire.
“We found the skeleton on the beach at Port Charlotte, it was as long as me. It had a skull long nose teeth ribs spine and tail.  We think it was a swordfish, or a dinosaur.
By Angus 5 ½ years”

There is still two weeks left to send in your entries, which can be sent to Woodside Cottage, Gruinart or handed in direct to me at the remaining summer craft markets (the last market is on Saturday 25th at Bruichladdich, the closing date for the competition).  Remember it does not have to be a memorable moment from this summer it can be any wildlife experience any time of year, so if you love your island and its wildlife which I know you all do, we want to hear about it, and let everyone else know about it too.  Entry forms went home with most school children on Islay, or can be picked up from the swimming pool, tourist office and many other locations around the island so please be inspired and send in your entry.  All pictures, stories and poems will be displayed shortly after the competition at the Gaelic College and our favourites so far are all in the gallery on the  HYPERLINK "" web site, where entry forms and more information on the competition can also be found.

I look forward to receiving all your pictures, poems and stories.
Fiona McG - Green Bug Productions

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