
Friday 27 August 2010

Tree Planting at Port Mor

A couple of images from Port Mor. The first is simply some seed heads from Yellow flag irises, the second shows how a small plantation of Alder and ash trees are growing up in the little valley through which the burn runs, separating the campsite/Community Park area from the "environmental area" to the north. A colleague and I planted the trees seven years ago as tiny twigs, placing the Alder in the very boggy ground among the irises with ash slightly higher up the bank. They have since grown up into substantial saplings, but their heads have not really pushed up above the level of shelter afforded by the bank - and it will be interesting to see if they are ever able to do this or whether the winter winds will always keep them pruned down to that height.

It is good  to see that they have become favourite resting places for a number of small birds, with Siskins, Goldfinches and Linnets being often seen in them and feeding on the thistle heads that cover the rough ground to the north.

We originally planted some 700 tiny trees - but all those on the north side of the burn were wiped out when Scottish Water bulldozed the area during the construction of the village sewage works. Another group planted down on the bog closer to the sea were unable to become established at all.


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