
Tuesday 31 August 2010

Walk to An Cladach

Fiona and I walked from Storakaig to An Cladach bothy on the Sound of Islay on Saturday night, returning on Sunday via Lossit Farm to Ballygrant. We saw lots of wildlife on our travels, including this parasol funghi (edible) and  lots of Small Copper butterflies. I liked the copse of natural woodland down Glen Logan, which was mainly birch and oak (good place to look for Purple Hairstreak next year!). We disturbed an otter on the Sound so it only just gave us enough time to photograph it before it darted back to safety in the sea. Still a glorious moment though! Any ideas what the flower is anyone?



  1. The flower is White Stonecrop (Sedum album. Unlike the other two stonecrops, Biting and English, which are widespread, this one appears to be confined to the east and north coasts of the island.


  2. Thanks, Malcolm. That's another new flower for me this year then!

