A full house in the lecture room with locals and Alasdair's students who have come to Islay to learn about the Earth's historical climate changes.
Alasdair also gave this talk to the students in the High School .
Alasdair has helped us better understand and appreciate the problems and the possible solutions we can all adapt to to make a difference.
A link to a video of the event (on youtube) is below:
Download a copy of the talk
The android version of the smartphone app he mentioned to enable you to caculate your own CO2 footprint is available in the google 'Play Store'. Search for 'onetonnefuture'. A link is here
The offsetting technology that Alasdair mentioned which involves converting CO2 to rock (and other CO2 recovery technologies) can be seen at climeworks.com
This website has a link to their climeworks.shop site where you can pay an appropriate monthly amount to offset your emissions.