
Friday 31 March 2017

Highlights in the Darkness

Our next natural history talk:  Bitterns and other nocturnal birds

The science of conservation, knowing what birds need and how they use their habitat is essential for good conservation and comes from detailed observation in the field, recording and analysis.  Gillian Gilbert has been working for RSPB in its conservation science department for many years, involved with learning and advising on species management for many species.  This talk concentrates on some of the more nocturnal species.  Bitterns were once a struggling species until detailed science discovered what they needed and changes in management to suit those needs have seen a complete turn around in fortunes for this once rare red data species.  Hopefully Gillian will shed some light on what role science has played in its comeback.

Join us for this interesting presentation on Tuesday 4th April, 7.30pm at the Natural History Centre, Port Charlotte.

Everyone is welcome. Admission £3.50, INHT members £1 inc. Tea & Cake and a chance to chat. 

Friday 17 March 2017

Seaweed Foraging Weekend, April 8/9th 2017

Islay Natural History Trust - in conjunction with Slate Islands Seaweed - are running 2 workshops on seaweed foraging and cooking on Islay over the weekend of 8th and 9th April.

Thanks to a kind donation from Sarah Daniels we are really excited to bring you the opportunity to join one of our seaweed foraging workshops during the Easter holidays.  So if you have ever wanted to know what are the most palatable algae on the shore and how to cool and prepare it, this is your chance.  We will be guided by Duncan from Slate Islands Seaweed, based in Easdale and Fiona MacGillivray of INHT.  There will be two chances to participate over the weekend: 

Saturday 8th April (9am till 1pm):  Low tide will be c.10.30. 
Meet at Bruichladdich (by Mini-Market) for foraging along the shore and then heading (shared transport available) for Sanaigmore.  You will learn to identify seaweeds and find which are the best for foraging.  You will be guided on foraging techniques, how to harvest in a sustainable way without damaging the growth of the algae and we will be cooking with our foraged harvest.
Places are limited, please book in advance...
Charge for event £20 per person

Sunday 9th April (a later start!) 10:00 to c.12.30:  We will concentrate our foraging around Port Charlotte, this will be a less intensive event.  Fiona and Duncan will guide you in basic identification and foraging skills with some cooking back at the centre. 
There will be up to 20 places available, children are welcome. 
Light refreshments will be provided. 
More spaces available but booking advisable
Charge for event £10 (children £3)

(no unaccompanied children please)

If you're interested in coming along then please get in touch to reserve your place.
Email: or phone Fiona 850607

For more information about seaweed visit Slate Islands Seaweed