
Wednesday 15 October 2014

Fungal Foray

It seems to have been a good year for fungi and our local enthusiast, Alistair Hutchison has been digging up some wonders of the fungal world. It's got to the 'you've lost me' stage with the weird and wonderful names he comes up with - but who needs names when you can feast your eyes (but definitely not your taste buds) on this lot?!

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Free-ing the fishes

Cuckoo Wrasse and crabs
Now the centre is closed for the winter, it was time to set the creatures from the tanks free back into the sea.  Five dedicated soles came to scoop out creatures, clean pumps, pump out the water and scoop out the sand.  The fish, crabs and lobster all got a feed of prawns before getting fished out and released off the pier.  It took a while to catch many of the little fish in the touch tank, they were so quick to dodge the net!
Our lobster of the season
The Centre will now be closed until June 2015.  We will hopefully have some talks and other events on over the winter.  We will also be very busy organising and planning for next year and development for the future.