
Saturday 31 March 2012


At least two heather fires have been burning all day on the Rhinns.  Fire crews have been attending - they must be well tired by now.  The Port Charlotte engine is just returning home but the air is still thick with the smell of burning in the village.

Beinn Tairt a' Mhill and the Giants' Graves

Well, this was a really interesting expedition. Ever curiously scouring the Islay maps I had seen noted in that ever-so-pretty old-fashioned writing 'Giants' Grave' south-east of Beinn Tairt a' Mhill. I did a bit of homework and set off with Jim, the Baptist minister, and my GPS. "Still going the right way?" Jim questioned with a hint of anxiety in his voice as we wandered through the thick Spruce forest here, pushing stray branches aside every so often. There is actually an old forestry path here so it wasn't as bad as it sounds! Still, without the GPS I'm not sure we would have found this site as it is rather hidden from view. It's quite an exciting place though. For more information, visit:

We saw Golden Eagle, heard and saw Curlews and Lapwings displaying, saw two spiralling Peacock Butterflies and a wonderful carpet of Lesser Celandine. Some Violets were also flowering. Another wonderful spring day!

Giants' Grave, Beinn Tairt a' Mhill

Giants' Grave, Beinn Tairt a' Mhill

Lesser Celandine - Ranunculus ficaria

Wild Brown Trout - Niall Colthart

Niall's first fish of 2012 season - a vey beautiful wild brownie from Loch Gorm.

A new micromoth

Danny Arnold, West Midlands moth expert, was here last week and, as usual on his regular visits, ran a moth trap while staying at Kilchoman. He caught this micromoth, rejoicing in the name Rhigognostis annulatella. It's about 18 mm long (not including the antennae) and doesn't have a vernacular name. It is only found close to the coast, e.g. in south-west England, north Wales and west and north-east Scotland. This appears not only to be the first record for Islay but also for the vice-county 102, which includes Jura and Colonsay.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Trochulus striolata - Strawberry snail

I suspect both of these snails are Trochulus striolata - the Strawberry snail.  Carnain.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Bolsa caves - Daniel Roy

An interesting series of photographs taken by Daniel Roy on an iPhone and processed using image manipulation software during a trip to Bolsa at the weekend.  Thanks Dan....

Barnacles in the Blue

Barnacle geese in a blue blue sky near Rockside yesterday.  The weather remains hot, cloudless and still.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Purple Saxifrage - Saxifraga oppositifolia

I was very excited to get a text last night informing me that the Purple Saxifrage were in flower. I'd missed them last year, so was keen to see them this year. I rushed over to the Oa and walked down a burn where just a few flowers were in bloom. These early flowering, delightful little flowers are not found on many places on Islay, although they are not considered rare. I think they are one of the first saxifrages to bloom, and their bright petals are certainly a welcome sight at any time, but particularly on what must have been the warmest day of the year so far on Islay. What a treat!

Purple Saxifrage - Saxifraga oppositifolia

Purple Saxifrage - Saxifraga oppositifolia

Primroses - Loch Gruinart

The primroses are starting to thicken up.  Saw my first bluebells of the year today too....  And my first Wheatear.  Carl

Please send us your pictures!!

The sun is beating down outside - very exciting.  I am off to take some pictures if I can.  If you have any Islay wildlife shots or scenes from around this lovely island that you would like to share with us on the blog, please don't hesitate - send them to  Many thanks...

Flight - James Deane

A lovely series of in-flight shots from James.  Many thanks...

Sunday 25 March 2012


The heady scent of gorse flowers pervades the air, while the delicate buds of hawthorn presage the flowers and berries to come.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Early primroses

A few primroses are struggling out along the banks - but they have not really got going yet.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Musca domestica? - nope Eristalis pertinax!

Sadly, my diptera identification skills are not up to scratch.  This is probably a common housefly, or something similar - Carl

Another picture of the same fly

Peter Roberts reports on the Scottish Birdwatchers' Conference in Oban

A one-day conference in Oban on 17th March jointly arranged between the Scottish Ornithologist's Club and the British Trust for Ornithology included a number of short lectures relevant to wildlife conservation issues on Islay.

An opening talk entitled “White-tailed Eagles in Scotland: back for good”?  given by Richard Evans illustrated the former extensive range over much of Britain of this largest of British raptors, its gradual man-made decline to extinction in 1916 and its subsequent reintroduction starting on the Isle of Rhum in 1975. By 1985 the first young were fledging in the wild of what some would consider an iconic species. The release of additional young birds (taken as “surplus” from nests in Norway) ended in 1998 and in 2012 there are 58 breeding pairs along an extensive area of the rugged west coast and islands of Scotland. But, with a population growth of 10% a year and no signs of a slow-down, the main question posed by the lecture was “will this increase affect numbers of another iconic species – Golden Eagle?” Happily, so far, studies indicate the simple answer seems to be “No”! There is no shortage of habitat for either species and plenty of scope for expansion (illegal persecution of both eagles will probably be the limiting factor at least in the short term). Do the two eagles compete for food? Studies on Mull where both are nesting in good numbers suggest there is much less overlap in prey than first feared. White-tailed Eagles predominantly take fish and waterbirds, while Golden Eagles take a much higher proportion of hares, rabbits and game birds. However there is certainly more dietary overlap in Scotland than in other areas where they breed close together and both are recorded feeding together on carrion, where neither appears obviously dominant over the other. Do they compete for suitable nest sites? Again the answer was generally “no, not much”. White-tailed Eagles tend to nest at lower altitudes and in areas with greater tree cover than Golden Eagles. There has been no noted decline in Golden Eagle nesting distribution as White-tailed Eagles have increased over the past 20 years and each is far more likely to tolerate a close nest of the other species than another of its own. Historical records suggest that in the Western Isles White-tailed Eagles rubbed along with Golden Eagles where both nested in open coastal sites. So there is hope for a happy and non-confrontational outcome with our healthy population of nesting Goldies as, when and if the White-tailed Eagle arrives to breed again on Islay.

Islay's own resident Chough expert, Eric Bignal (ably assisted by his daughter Caitlin) gave a fascinating account of “Supplementary feeding of sub-adult Choughs on Islay”. Eric and many others have studied Islay's Choughs over decades to understand their ecology and keep this very special bird in good heart (Islay and neighbouring Colonsay are virtually the only places left in Scotland where Choughs occur). Eric has colour-ringed 1,552 chicks since 1981 and he probably knows most of the island's Choughs individually. He started by educating us about a few important points on Chough ecology. 1. Chough young stay with parents for a month or two after fledging then parents “abandon” them, the young joining non-breeding flocks that include surviving young from the previous 2-3 years which have not yet started breeding. 2. Two very important habitats for these family groups and non-breeders are silage fields after cutting and the island's sand dune systems. 3. There needs to be about a 30% survival rate of first year birds for the population to sustain itself. It is the survival of younger birds more than adult survival or fledging success that is more vital for overall species success. But then came the bad news. After many years when Islay Choughs flourished, the first year survival rate has dropped to 10% since 2007 and the population is in decline. Nobody is sure why this is happening. Could it be subtle habitat and land management changes or could it be a “temporary blip” caused by the recent severely cold and unusually wet winters, which are all known to cause higher mortality through a scarcity of invertebrate foods.

Whatever the reason it was decided by Eric and others supporting his work that it was too risky to just let the population decline further, so in December 2009 he began putting out daily supplementary food (aka mealworms) for Choughs. After a slow start they eventually cottoned-on to a free hand-out and there are now upwards of 50 birds at one site and 25 or more at another. The birds taking food include those important 1, 2, and 3 year olds that are our future breeders. By 2011 the survival rate of the first year birds was back up to the all-important 30%.

Clearly this isn’t a long-term sustainable solution, but until the problems of poor survival are addressed and the weather improves, at least it may keep this important population of a very special bird alive and well on Islay.

There were two very topical talks on “Marine Renewable Development” (offshore wind-farms and underwater turbines to you and me). One by Nienke van Geel addressed potential threats to the conservation of marine mammals, the other by Chris Thaxter looked at threats to seabirds. Renewable Energy development is still in its infancy, but Government and European targets for renewable energy in the future mean that there is a huge interest in developing this energy source. Yet we barely know how many of what species of seabirds, whales and dolphins are out there in our offshore waters, let alone how such developments may or may not affect their well-being. This is a very complex subject with no easy answers. The thrust of both talks was that researchers are still developing methods by which to assess what species are present, their numbers and how they use this offshore marine environment for feeding, breeding, resting, communicating and migrating. At the same time others are trying to work on plausible ways of assessing what effect the many and varied types of offshore energy sources may have on wildlife. Needless to say “computer modeling” was referred to on many occasions. I think one illustration of computer-generated results studying whether a dolphin was likely to hear an underwater turbine and thus avoid it, says it all. Depending on the many variables and parameters fed into the computer analysis it was shown that a dolphin might hear the turbine anything from 2 miles (about an hour) away or just 2 seconds before it presumably collided!

A more down-to-earth talk was given by Clive Craik who has been tirelessly studying – and doing something about – the scourge of feral Mink on seabird populations on the inshore islands of the west coast of Scotland for 25 years. Clive annually checks 155 small islands with about 8,000 pairs of seabirds on them. He showed us the horrific consequences of mink reaching these colonies – gruesome photos of hundreds of chicks slaughtered in a single night by one mink; dozens of adult gulls killed on nests, the mink killing far more than is required for food. Many colonies are now gone due to mink, but he tirelessly battles to eradicate mink with instant success when he does - birds recolonise and many young reared, but it is hard and costly work. He finished with examples of great lateral thinking: “if you can’t keep mink off close inshore islands, then build huge rafts that are mink-proof and let the birds breed there instead”. These now support some of the largest tern colonies in Scotland.

One of the final talks, given by Christine Urquhart, was relevant to many of us on Islay - goose conservation and management in Scotland. She highlighted the huge increases in most geese in Scotland over the past 40 years and gave a brief history of the 7 or so goose management agreements currently in place. She contrasted two species in particular – the rapidly expanding breeding populations of Greylag Geese and the decreasing winter numbers of Greenland White-fronted Goose. Greenland Whitefronts are in decline after past years of increase and are recognized as a high priority and “Red-listed”. Many former wintering areas are now no longer used and numbers continue to drop, due to a fall in nesting productivity. Reasons for this are unclear, though discussion centred on whether this was due to rapidly increasing and encroaching wild Canada Geese (a population of 40,000 pairs in a few short years) into areas of Greenland where the Whitefronts nest, or possible climate and habitat changes – there has for example been a marked increased in spring snowfall on breeding grounds. It is hoped that this is just cyclical and sooner or later weather patterns may change in the species favour again. Meanwhile, they are now no longer being shot in Greenland or as they migrate through Iceland and farmers on Islay, one of their wintering strongholds, are being given increased payment incentives for hosting Greenland Whitefronts on their land.

Greylags are a very different story. In the 1930s there were perhaps 500 breeding pairs in the NW of Scotland. Nowadays there are 47,000! No compensation payments are made to farmers on the Uists and Tiree, but lethal scaring is allowed with shooting of up to 33% of the population in recent years which is considered unsustainable. Culling at 15% of population was suggested as appropriate. The Orkney population is now rising rapidly and not only farmers are concerned for their land, but SEPA also concerned about contamination of some freshwater lochs.

The Conference was fascinating and informative, but the overriding impression one came away with is that there are always “more questions than answers” and that wildlife management is a constantly changing set of facts, ideas and aims that require never-ending reassessment and a pragmatic and fluid approach in the way we deal with them. On a more local note it highlighted how important Islay is for its fine an array of year-round wildlife.

Monday 19 March 2012

Saligo at Night - James Deane

A lovely night shot of a favourite Islay beach by James - many thanks...

Sunday 18 March 2012

Spring migration

The day after the first Wheatear was seen on Islay this spring, a party of about 20–25 Whooper Swans flew north past Bruichladdich this morning. They will presumably stop one or more times before heading for Iceland, but here are two signs of migration. The photograph is not of the birds I saw, but one taken by the late Gordon Langsbury here a couple of years ago.

Thursday 15 March 2012

The conjunction of Venus and Jupiter - James Deane

Many thanks to James for his photographic observation of our latest astrological phoenomenon.  James says: "There is currently a good opportunity to view a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, rising over in the west across the Northern Hemisphere.   Moonrises are currently after midnight so this is helping with clarity."

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Dates of INHT "Welcome to Islay" evenings

Our"Welcome to Islay" evenings in the Laddieshop at Bruichladdich Distillery will be held on April 2nd, May 7th, June 4th, July 2nd, August 6th and September 3rd.
Grey seal pup photographed on an Islay beach.
The programme will vary from week to week, but our visitors and guests can expect a selection from piper James McEachern, the Ella Edgar Highland Dancers, Gaelic singing from Grahame Allison, trad music from Eilidh and Ciara and short introductions to island history and wildlife from the Museum of Islay Life, the RSPB and the INHT.

Doors will open at 6.30 and the evenings will usually last for about an hour and a half.  There will be a small entrance fee that will include a wee dram courtesy of our hosts at Bruichladdich.  We look forward to seeing you there....
The Ella Edgar Highland Dancers

Frog Spawn

I saw some frog spawn in a puddly patch near Margadale, Bunnahabhain today. Spring is upon us!

George Robertson to give next talk at INHT - "Photographing the Best of Islay" - Wednesday 4th April

Loch Indaal by George Robertson

We are delighted that Lord George Robertson of Port Ellen is to be our next guest speaker at the Centre on Wednesday 4th April at 7.30.  George has been photographing Islay and Jura for many years.  His book is available at The Celtic House in Bowmore
The Celtic House - Islay and Jura by George Robertson

Admission will be free to members, £2.50 for non-members.  We will be asking for donations to support the work of the Trust.  Tea and coffee will be served after the event.

Monday 12 March 2012

Next Geology Field Trip on Tuesday 20th March

Yesterday's geology field trip with Prof Skelton was a great success.  The format of the next proposed trip is to be the same on 20th March, with visits to both Bunnahabhain and Port Ellen proposed.  We still have some places left so if you would like to join us then please either call the centre on 01496 850288 and leave a message, or contact us via email on

Rooks start building in Port Charlotte

I watched a rook carrying a twig for the first time this year this morning.  They have a lot of work to do.  Usually a significant number of nests survive the winter, but this year there are none left at all following the cheerful breezes that have made the past few months memorable.  They must start from scratch. - Carl